How to Choose an Industrial Painting Company

Industrial painting can often go by the wayside in place of more immediate updates to your facility. This causes your paint damage to worsen and requires a more critical review of the best company for the job.

Industrial painting offers several benefits, helping your facility appear clean before your next inspection and enhancing a positive work environment.

Kelly Industrial Services offers industrial painting backed by experts with thousands of hours of experience in this line of work. When comparing industrial painting companies and contractors, consider the following things to look for.

Top 3 Things to Look for in an Industrial Painting Company

1. Efficiency to paint without a pause to your business.

The right industrial painting company will work with you to identify exactly what you need completed in a reasonable amount of time. Zero-to-minimal downtime to your business should be the goal of your contractor, as well as the quality service.

Be sure to offer a clear timeline for when your facility expects to have the project complete. Even if the project is a simple touch-up paint job for a limited area, it is important to share your expectations so that your painting team will give you a totally satisfactory experience. This includes ensuring that the surfaces are properly cleaned and prepped prior to painting, and the proper products are used, no matter how big or small a job is.

Kelly Industrial Services’ process for industrial painting allows us to clean, prep, and paint the most surface square footage of any contractor in the country over a 24-hour period. Call us today to learn more and get a free quote: 888-422-2623

2. Experience with painting in complex environments.

The industrial painting touches on many business environments. From food distribution to manufacturing goods, it’s important to find experts who have knowledge and experience with your specific type of facility.

Kelly Industrial Services offers painting service for walls, ceiling, and equipment. Due to the complex machinery used across our clients’ facilities, painting can involve a number of important additional steps, such as:

  • dry ice blasting
  • degreasing
  • scraping
  • hand and airless painting

When contacting your industrial painting company of choice, ask them how they might handle painting the equipment and surfaces of your facility and the steps they might go through to get the job done. This can help you compare the approach between painters, offering further confidence that you’ve found the right fit.

3. Quality examples for a clean and complete service.

Industrial painting goes hand in hand with industrial cleaning. Without the right care and attention to quality when laying down a coat of industrial paint, the work may last a limited time.

Make sure the painter is going to thoroughly clean and prepare the surfaces as well as use the correct products for your environment. “We go into a lot of places where the previous painter didn’t clean the ceiling or walls, just painted over all the dirt and/or didn’t use the correct products and the paint is failing.” – Matt Kelly, Managing Partner at Kelly Industrial Services.

Compare industrial painting companies by asking about their process when setting up a job. Be sure the industrial painting company explains their attention to detail when it comes to cleaning and prepping surfaces.

Consider asking about the following when vetting your contractor:

  • What paint products does the company use, and why select those products over others for your facility?
  • How has the company’s practices and processes adapted over time to become more efficient?
  • What unique tools does the company use for the best end results?
  • What kind of experience will the company’s painters for this job have compared to the company’s general experience?

Ask the industrial painting company for before and after pictures to visualize how they might handle your own facility. You should also ask for references and testimonials to hear from past customers that they are satisfied and were happy to work with the industrial painting company.

Hiring Painting Services Company

Your final step is to reach out to your choice of top industrial painting companies for a quote and next steps. Compare the criteria that matters most to your business and ask for an itemized quote.

Kelly Industrial Services has over 30 years of experience with OSHA-compliant cleaning and painting services for all industries throughout the U.S. with minimum or no downtime for your business. Contact Kelly Industrial Services for a free and quick quote today!

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